Labour Biography
Lydia Garcia
Born in Pres. Roque Sáenz Peña (Chaco). He currently resides in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
- Art & Culture: Public Relations Representative, Driving events, conductor and producer of the radio program, Artist, illustrator, poet .-
Modelista seamstress, designer .-
- Conocimiento: Study Perito Mercantil. Los titles designer and seamstress Modelista it obtuvo los Fernández y CEPEC Central Institute - Centre for Studies and perfeccionamiento - Junio ​​and in December 1988, respectively. In April 2001 he Attended Seminar on Public Relations, y Ceremonial Protocol Argentine Naval Prefecture.
- Artistic Activities: Partner active Sade alli involved and participates in several literary groups, Other entities also. His poetry and plastic works fueron published in newspapers and magazines nationally and internationally. I mentioned in samples from several galleries, restaurants, universities, holidays, etc..; Him inside and outside the country along with other artists and as a special guest on several occasions. His works fueron expuestas MARHABA program it for him PLUS satellite channel on several occasions.
1994 - concurr the circle of letters Clamor and this year received a silver medal at El Colegio de Escribano de Buenos Aires. As a member of Art Group in Arabic Argentino la muestra septiembre exposed in the I HALL OF ARAB ART Gallery Daitter Hajj. In that same month he Certamen Trilogy, luego him HALL OF ART Homero Manzi Tango del Castillo Catullus. October; Lebanon from Syria CLUB Prov. Santiago del Estero, it also CENTER Cultural Rojas Buenos Aires. December; EXHIBIT II Christmas Daitter Hajj.
1995 - Cultural Centre until he Artur Berenguer carisoma 2000. Member of Athena Poetics Argentina. Home Evaristo Carriego in which to receive a diploma by performing poetry illustrated. In it I LITERARY CONGRESS Sade. In Reencuentro group, received several distinctions, indications and reconocimiento a su labor by 2007. Participates in Los Encuentros literary and musical EL BLUE swarm. Fue LITERARY ROUND group member and part of the algunas sus anthology. Clamor Changes Seen in LA Public Relations rod 2005. I mentioned in San Martin de los Andes in February. In EXPOARAB - Rural of Buenos Aires. March, 1st prize in her category selected design clothing - Olympics Dimension LAS ARTES - April; EXHIBIT III DAITTER Hajj where receiving special mention. Mayo; CRUZ Rojas Beirut - Lebanon. Septiembre; MUSEUM Gral. St. Martin of the municipality of Moron, obteniendo diploma. December, Ober - Prov. Misiones.
1996 - fue member of the auxiliary of Lima LIBRARY MUSEUM OF collaborated together Sade Luis Herrero, former president Carlos Paz, Emilce carries, and he Enildo Salmerón poet professor entonces president Jose Maria Chestnut God. In Spain had it Ayuntamiento Xà tiva DE CANAL Y; VALENCIA international exhibition of Argentine artists. MI Ayuntamiento for eels gallery Daitter Hajj, selected an excerpt from a sus poetry as a way to express in words what is it pictorial art. Ministry of State for LA POESIA, years later with a platelet agasajan published news part and collaborates with some of the works and sus proponiendo the presence of other artists. ACTS also ROOM FLOWERS Perpetual alli obtuvo distinction. April, I explained it GALICIA CENTRO de Buenos Aires. In San MartÃn he CULTURAL CENTER - ROOM ENRIQUE Minho. Muestra conference room acts Perpetual FLOWERS. Religious art in the GALLERY Alvear. In Fearab - La Plata in October with reconocimiento. In Syria, the Lebanese Union of Neuquén, noviembre receives diploma. ART him Navidad National Museum of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires selected work.
1997 - Reconocimiento of Clamor for the conduct muestra del HALL OF POETRY illustrated in Sade CASA JOSE HERNANDEZ and participating as a poet and illustrator. Special guest to participate in Casa del Chaco. Ministry of Economy participates in a muestra Quino 'S ART CENTER.
1998 - Diploma of Honor-given Clamor. Muestra collective therein HALL MARY K Maria Kodama has one of the works of the artist. I award him a painting competition for Benavides.
1999 - April; muestra conference in reproductive revolution. October; cultural historic first Meeting (Syria - Argentina) under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Syrian Arab Republic, President of Argentina, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Trade and Worship, Embajada de la Argentina in the Syrian Arab Republic su su excellence best representative he Embajador Massoun Kassawat alli obtuvo diploma of honor.
Since 1999, she and driving production of su radio program 'commitments EL ARTE' begins on Radio International Radio luego shades, La Nueva Radio y mientras era begins this season with him HOUR de Suenos program on Radio Esmeralda, which terminates in 2002, luego on Radio Echo, to AM 1010 Onda Latina.
2000 - Reconocimiento the radial diffusion in su program for Clamor. Ratel J Award program su ONE HOUR of Suen the outstanding work by RADIO Esmeralda. August, participates in the collective muestra QUINQUELA MARTIN medal and diploma. La Plata Fearab accompanied with responsibility for Trade Officer Embassy of Algeria. Diploma he POETRY SALON Illustrated at Loft Space ALFA held in septiembre. Noviembre; exposed with Salac Sociedad Argentina de Letras, Arts, Sciences, and he VII Meeting of Poets Y LA DEL MERCOSUR Community hispanohablantes.
2001 - Distinction and reconocimiento a su labor Clamor. In March, a special guest to travel to St. Thomas St. Faith - received by the municipality and su Quartermaster special mention for its involvement with the House of Africa. Noviembre, La Embajada Del Lebanon and Syria Lebanon he CLUB performed by a muestra su 58 th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Lebanon where the artist Tuvo participation.
2002 - Group of Letters honorary degree from Clamor otorga CONDOR and Silver in the 28th VACATION del Libro. April; mention for having participated in the National Hall of Plastic Arts Argentina Syria. Some studies estuvieron a trade sale of office ARFICA muebles. Siendo member of the Steering Cumbria Consejo de Los Andes - Mr. President he Beytullah Çolak (Turkish membership) will hold the event in driving PALACE Rouge in Ramadan for the first time in Buenos Aires.
2004 - Julio; 17th conference muestra Catholic University of Salta, Buenos Aires, and in 2nd and 3rd URBAN Fiesta (New Bajo) diploma by participating with the Association of Friends of LAS ARTES. Owner su MATERNITY work of the division of obstetrics hospital ClÃnicas Gral. San MartÃn by Prof.. Dr. Avelino Barata, he intervened Director Dr. Miguel Jorge. A collection of African-themed sus works he acquired the Mr. John Chamber of Angola and the rest mantuvo expuestas in su - The Limits bar. 1st Biennial of Visual Art INTERDISIPLINARIAS OF MERCOSUR (Use) receive diploma of honor.
2005 - The Athenaeum Poetic Argentina receives distinction for having participated in the 55 th Anniversary Anthology. It is part of the poetry anthology AMIGOS DE LAS ARTES Buenos Aires AL WORLD presented at the 31st VACATION del Libro. August; involved in Intercontinental GIAC Gallery of Contemporary Art II Intercontinental GP HALL, Homenaje a Lola Frexes. Reconocimiento HOME OF AFRICA the task of dissemination of African culture.
2006 - Julio, Argentina Athenaeum Poetic Cafe Tortoni 56th anniversary honorary degree from the institution to monitor, for sharing sueños and ideals, to the vocation of service for letters and love poetry.
2007 - Participates in group MODP y fue en el special guest group SEMBLANZA him HOTEL Savoy Dandolo reconocimiento a Trayectoria in the poetry, art and radio. He also participates this year in Las anthology of Clamor. August; degree in Visual Arts muestra la Sade contemporary painting. HOUSE OF AFRICA again le otorga reconocimiento a su labor in favor of the spread of African culture and for being representative of public relations dich institution. In the Federation of Mujeres por la Paz WORLD su diploma because you otorga work on display.
2010 - In it fifteenth anniversary in Argentina HOUSE OF AFRICA (President Irene Ortiz) the artists exhibited works in its sus Senate and La Nación nombre fue alli too vocal. In the LIBRARY MARTIN Del Barco Centenera Government of Buenos Aires also next to him ÃFRICA.Diciembre House Auditorium Dantas Alighieri.